Indigineous man playing the dijeridou in the Sydney harbour accompanied by techno music :) / Aboriginal ferfi jatszik a dzsideridun a Sydney kikotoben techno zene kiserettel :)
Since uploading the new pictures takes a lot of time today as well, and it didn´t come together yesterday either, I thought that I write a new post because there are some 40 people who follow this blog on a regular basis and most of them have already clearly expressed that the posts are coming to rarely :)) So here we go, there is an intersting thing about the Australian history what is not so commonly known outside if Australia.
The stolen generation mean ca. 100.000 aboriginal children who were taken from their families between the 1880 and 1960 and were put into orphanages or were given to foster families. Back then it was a very important part of the Australian state policy because they were convinced that they help aboriginal children this way to be more integrated into society and to escape from powerty. The biggest reason was though that the Australians thought that the aboriginal "race" will eventually die out. This in some way was an experiment and historians started to attack it around the 1980s for the first time. They started to tell storie coming from the stolen children who said that they were beaten and raped and couldn´t cope with the loss of their families. According to many historians the policy of wrenching a child from his family has wrecked the lives of the next 3 generation.
However there are some aboriginals who are happy that they were brough up by a white family. A lawyer said that thank to his white foster family he could have a secure childhood and could enjoy all the same priviliges as the white kids such as getting a proper education f. ex.
Well, I haven´t talked to aboriginals since I´m here yet, because here are not so many here in Sydney but I have heard that alcoholism is a big problem in the indigineus society and most of the time they can not escape powerty.
Mivel tegnap is ma is rengeteg idomet es foleg turelmemet veszi igenybe az uj kepek feltoltese, ugy gondoltam irok egy kis erdekesseget Ausztralia tortenelmerol amit az ausztralokon kivul kevesen tudnak. Nagyjabol 40 ember van aki rendszeresen koveti ezt a blogot es tobben rendszeresen kifejezik "rosszallasukat" az uj posztok kozott eltelt hosszu ido miatt :)) Ezert amig az oldal kuzd az uj kepekkel, lassuk mirol is van szo.
Az ellopott generacio korulbelul 100.000 aboriginal gyereket jelent, akiket 1880 es 1960 kozott szakitottak el a csaladjaiktol, es adtak oket nevelootthonba vagy feher nevelocsaladokhoz. Az egesz 1930 korul tetozott es akkor az allami politika fontos reszeul volt szamontartva, mert az ausztralok ugy gondoltak, hogy ezzel "megmentik" az oslakos gyerekeket a kilatastalan elettol, mert ugy hittek, hogy az oslakos "faj" elobb utobb ugyis ki fog halni. Kicsit olyan volt ez az egesz mint egy kiserlet, es az 1980-as evekben kezdek eloszor megkerdojelezni ennek a politikanak a letjogosultsagat. Torteneszek szerint az oslakos gyerekeket rendszeresen vertek, keptelenek voltak feldolgozni az anyjuk elveszteset es egy ido utan identitas krizis jelentkezett naluk, mert mar sem az aboriginal sem a feher ausztral tarsadalomba nem tudtak beilleszkedni. Egyes torteneszek szerint az aboriginal gyerekek kiszakitasa a csaladjaikbol megpecsetelte az elkovetkezo 3 generacio sorsat.
Vannak viszont olyan oslakosok is akik orulnek, hogy annak idejen feher nevelocsaladokhoz kerultek. Egy ugyved azt mondta, hogy feher csaladjanak koszonhetoen biztonsagos korulmenyek kozott nohetett fel es mindazokban a kivaltsagokban reszesulehetett mint a feher gyerekek, mint peldaul a jo szinvonalu oktatas es igy sokkal jobb starott vett az eletben.
Hat en nem beszelgettem meg oslakosokkal amiota itt vagyok, mert Sydneyben nincsenek sokan, de azt tudom, hogy az alkohol komoly problemat jelent es altalaban nem tudnak kiemelkedni a szegenysegbol.
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