I already tried to upload new pictures during the weekend, but we have problems with the net at home. Again....anyways, the adventage of this is that I can write this blog with a nice New York cheesecake á la Starbucks :))
So last week was a lof of fun!!!! I was on the uni from monday to thursday again and since that was my last day on the UNSW we decided to go for a lunch together with all the people from the office. We went to an Indonesian restaurant and we had a tapas kind of lunch going on. We just oredered a lot of different courses and everybody took what she wanted. It was excellent!! I can make this statement that I like Indo food!And I got my official Univerity of New South Wales mug :D They were so sweet, I got this as a present and everybody wrote a card for me with all good wishes!It was just a really nice feeling, because I don´t know these people very well and not even for a long time, but we got on really well from the very beginning and it´s just crazy how fast you can build up little firendships here!So here they are:
From right to left: the guy how became a bit white vamire-like :D is Denny, a Scotman who is very academic and funny, then Vivien from China, then Me, then Nico from Indonesia, then Sam from Aus, then Michael who is Australian but with Chinese origin as well and Michelle, Nico´s sister / Bucsuebed, jobbrol balra : a kisse vampirosan feheren virito Denny, Vivien, En, Nico, Sam, Michael es Michelle
Undoubtly thursday was the best day of last week. Not only the day, but especially the evening. After wondering around in the city after my lunch I went home to change because I had a party invitation to the IVY bar, what is the most sought after place in Sydney now. David´s company organized a function there for like 200 people so they were there already since noon. I got there around 7 in the evening and the mood was already quite gooooooood :D That evening was a blast!!!!I was with DAvid, his boss Steve and a guy from the office called Alex and we were dancing all the time!Not only me, but all the 3 guys as well!And David´s boss is just unbelievable!!He is a 44 years old guy and he dances there with us through the whole night!Not to mention the fact that everything was on the house = him :D and the final bill of the evening was 800 dollars!But apparently it didn´t bother him!:D Anyways, it was one of the greatest nights I have had lately.
From left to right:David, Steve, Alex :) / Balrol jobbra: David, a valoszinutlenul jofej fonok Steve es Alex
Über-cool YVI what is THE place to be in Sydney / Ivy bar, a legjobb, legtutibb es egyaltalan leg legebb hely Sydneyben
The next day I was free from any obligations and after so much moving I decided that I deserve a little relaxation so I went down to the beach what is just at the end of our street basically.
Az attancolt ejszaka utan jol megerdemelt pihenesem toltom a strandon az utca vegen.
:) But this one day was enough to relax and in the weekend I was already looking forward to some adventure.
I decided to go to the Blue Mountains what is a really spectacular mountain area around Sydney, well it takes good 1,5 hours to drive there. There is a rock called the 3 sisters and the story behind is that there were 3 sisters who were escaping from an evil witch and they were turned into a rock so that the witch couldn´t find them.
So here they are :)
3 sisters escaping from the witch / A 3 nover legendaja - menekules a boszorkany elol
How it looks in reality. If you look at the picture really closely, you can see a tiny white spot on the left side of the rock on the left.That is a person on a bridge and I was on the that bridge as well. / Es a valosagos verzio - kisse kevesbe mozgalmas valtozat :) Ha nagyon kozelrol nezel a kepre, latsz egy icipici feher pottyot a legbaloldali "nover" szikla baloldalan. Az egy ember egy hidon ami meglehetosen magasan van, igy persze, hogy oda is el kellett mennunk :)
So this is that bridge, those 2 spots on the left picture are we. The guy who is standing next to me is Robert, whose parents are Hungarians but he was born here so he doesn´t speak that much but definitely understands a lot. / Szoval a bal kepen az a ket kicsi potty mi vagyunk. Mellettem a srac Robi, akinek a szulei magyarok de o mar ittkint szuletett, es nem sokat beszel magyarul de mindent ert.
Now, it was not only Robi in the Blue Mountains with limited Hungairan knowledge.
This guy next to me could also say thank you in Hungairan :D / Nem Robi volt az egyetlen, aki tanubizonysagot tett limitalt magyartudasarol a kek hegyekben. A mellettem lathato ur is tudja azt mondani, hogy "KOZONOM" :D
On sunday I was still up to some fun so we drove like 2 hours to see the pelikan feeding. These birds are really funny, creepy :P and scary in the same time. They know exactly that at 3:30 they get food so they start to gather already half an hour before and just wait there.
Competing for the fresh fishheads / A delutan fel 4-es turnus tolong a friss halfejert
I was a bit afraid when passing by because that bird what has a red arrow above its head was constantly checking out my floss candy. That pink thing in the plastic bag :)))Bit it still tasted very good and childhood-like :) / Egy kicsit feltem elmenni mellettuk, mert a piros nyillal jelzett egyed folamatosan az en vattacukromat fixirozta!!Igen, az a pink cucc a zacskoban vattacukor :)))))
So undoubtly thursday was the highlight of the week, but all in all I had another very actionfull 7 days :)
Mar korabban is fel akartam tolteni a kepeket a hetvegen, de gondjaink voltak a nettel..megint, nem baj, most igy ejjel fel 1-kor nagyon jol megy :)
Szoval kis kiegesziteskeppen a fenti kepekhez : hetfotol csutortokig az egyetemen voltam, es mivel csutortok volt az utolso napom, elmentunk a tobbiekkel egy indonez ettermbe ebedelni. MEg kellett allapitanom, hogy szeretem az indonez kajat. Igazabol egy amolyan indonez tapas ebedunk volt, mert Nico aki indonez pontosan tudta hogy mik a jo fogasok es abbol mind rendeltunk es mindenki azt vett amit akart. Kaptam egy hivatalos egyetemi bogret es egy kepeslapot is amire mindenki irt jokivansagokat, aminek nagyon nagyon orultem :) Igaz, hogy keves idot toltottem ott, de megis nagyon jo volt, az elso pillanattol fogva nagyon befogadtak, ugyhogy ennek a kis ajandeknak kulon orultem.
Utana maszkaltam kicsit a varosban majd hazamentem atoltozni mert este meghivasom volt az Ivy barba ami ahogy a kepen is latszik, nem a szereny kategoriaba tartozik. 4 emeltes, design-dijat nyert hely, ahol van etterem, ilyen meg olyan szoba, medence a legfelos szinten, alul meg a tancter az egyik barral. Az apropo az volt, hogy a ceg ahol David dolgozik, rendezett ott egy eloadast amire tobb szaz embert hivak meg, es amugy is surun jarnak oda. En este 7re erkeztem, ok mar del ota ott voltak, ugyhogy a hangulat mar igencsak kellemesnek volt mondhato :D igy alighogy leultem mar fel is kertek tancolni es vegul egesz ejszaka roptuk mind a negyen a fonokot is beleertve aki 44 eves es valaki meg is jegyezte, hogy a nagypapak menjenek haza :D de ez ot egyaltalan nem zavarta es toretlen hangulattal szorakozott tovabb es akkor sem rebbent a szeme amikor a negyunk fogyasztasanak cehhjet kellett kiegyenliteni ami 800 dollarra rugott.....hat ilyen ez :D Mindenestre ez volt a legjobb esteim egyike mostanaban :)
Ezert penteken ugy dontottem, hogy a strandon pihenem ki az attancolt ejszaka faradalmait :) Ez a strand az utca vegen van, es amiket eddig alttam, azok kozul nekem ez tetszik a legjobban. Tiszta, nincs tolongas, eleg nagy es kozelebb alig lehetne.
Azert szombaton mar mehetnekem volt valamerre, es igy a kek hegyek fele vettuk az iranyt. Az ott talalhato 3 nover szikla amiert letobben odamennek, es a legenda az, hogy volt 3 nover akiket egy gonosz varazslo meg akart olni, es menekulniuk kellett, es mar majdnem utolerte oket,amikor sziklava valtoztak, es igy nem a gonosz varazslo kapta el oket. Vegeredmenyben nem tudom, hogy igy miert jartak jobban... :) Mindegy, nagyon szep videk volt, es a magyarul beszelo oslakos is jo benyomast tett ram :D
Vasarnap pelikanetetesre mentunk ahol fel 4kor mar gyulekezett egy nepes pelikancsapat, es volt akinek nem csak halra fajt a foga hanem kis vattacukorra is :D
Ej, jo het volt ez is :))