It´s impossible to get enough of Sydney :)

I haven´t posted anything since my last post because I thought I would wait until I go somewhere again, because I was on the university the whole week, so I didn´t really had the time to make some exciting trips. It is pretty nice to be there though, the atmosphere is very relaxed and the people I work with, Danny, Anu, Michael and Viven are very friendly. My task is to gather information on what they do in hospitals in Europe and mainly in Scandinavia if possible, when there is an extreme weather event. The main focus is on the design and planning of the buildings of the hospitals, so my task is to find some info on how these extreme weather conditions effect the buildings. So I did this from monday to thursday and on friday I had a free day. Since it started to get warm, I was sure that I didn´t want to sit at home, and decided to go to the opera house because although I pass by there with the ferry every day, I didn´t really go close yet and there is a really cool and huuuuuuuuuuge garden behind it!One of the things what separate Sydney from other waterfront big cities is that here the waterfront is available for the public and not all of it belongs to private properties. This park is extremely popular with basically everybody. The view is fantastic, you can jog, do any kinds of excercises or just hang out, sit on the grass and read.
In the evening I met my firend Gyongyi again and we went to a dinner in a korean restaurant, and again, I was the only not asian person there :))) The food was good, bit spicy for me so I alone drank all the water from the jar what was prepared on the table :) As dessert we had green-tea ice cream! Yes, ther is a japanese-italian ice cream place where you can eat ther regular ice cream but also these exotic ones. Yesterday I had dinner with Anna, David and some other "mates" in an excellent Spanish restaurant and today I decided to go for a 12 km long walk!This rute is very recommended, according to the feedback I read about it it is unmissable if you are in Sydney. I can understand why, the whole path goes along white sandy beaches and very often you have the feeling that your walking in the jungle! :))
And last but definitely not least still on thursday as many of you know it very well, it was the global fashion night out when everything was open for a lot longer as usual and people were hitting the stores. Now here in Sydney women took this initiative really seriously, and it was almost scary what I winessed in David Jones, Sydney´s most famous department store. The other attraction there was the flower exhibition which altered the make-up section into a fairy tale. Live piano music and huuge, exotic flower compositions everywhere! Only this was also worth a visit.
Ok, so let´s see the week in pictures / A het kepekben :)

On this picture above you can probably see that the shapes of the opera house were supposed to symbolize shells and not sails as people usually think. The Danish architect Jørn Utzon was so fed up with all the hassle about the construction that walked away from it and finally died before he would have seen the final work. / Talan ezen a kepen jol latszik, hogy az operahaz alakja eredetileg kagylokat volt hivatott formazni es nem vitorlakat ahogyan azt altalaban gondoljak. A dan epitesznek, Jørn Utzonnak annyira elege lett a sok hercehurcabol az epitkezes meg az engedelyek korul, hogy otthagyta az egeszet es vegul elobb meghalt minthogy lathatta volna az elkeszult operahazat.

The size of the whole domain is some 70 hectars and it is very versatile. The Royal Botanical gardesn have palm grooves, oriental gardens etc... and in the next second that park gives a real jungle feeling with dense vegatation and huge plants. / Az egesz terulet merete kb. 70 hektar es nagyon valtozatos. Sok helyen egyenletesen nyirt pazsit van, aztan ott vannak a kulonbozo kertek, amik a kiralyi botanikus kertet alkotjak es megint mashol oriasi novenyek adnak egy kis dzsungelhangulatot.

Many statues can also be found in the park as well as the house of the first governor where the entrance is free and there are guided tours. / Sok szobor is talalhato a parkban valamint az elso kormanyzo rezidenciaja ahova ingyenes a belepes.

The dinner in the korean restaurant / A koreai vacsi amiben elegge nagy volt a kaposztafelhozatal ugyhogy engedtem Gyongyit ervenyesulni...

My trip today :) / A mai turam :)

The David Jones experience :) / David Jones. Csak a viragkompoziciok megertek egy latogatast.

Oh, I almost forgot, this house is for sale, anybody interested? :) / Majdnem elfelejtettem, az a haz elado. Ha valakit erdekel, ne habozzon jelezni vasarlasi szandekat :)

Azert nem toltottem fel hetkozben uj kepeket, mert gondoltam, megvarom amig csinalok valamit. Hetfotol csutortokig az egyetemen voltam es estere altalaban elegge elfaradtam ugyhogy nem igazan maszkaltam semerre nagyon, de a hetvegere mar voltak terveim. Az egyetem amugy nagyon jo, az emberek akikkel egyutt dolgozom, Danny, Micheal, Anu es Viven nagyon aranyosak es a legkor nagyon oldott. Most az a dolgom hogy egy riportot probaljak arrol irni, hogy Europeaban mi tortenik a korhazak epuleteivel akkor, ha valami termeszeti katasztrofa tortenik. Foleg Skandinaviara kell fokuszalnom mivel ok elegge eloljarnak az ilyen kutatasokban es a design teruleten is uttoronek szamitanak. Szoval ezzel voltam elfoglalva, de penteke mar alig vartam, hogy azert megnezhessek valami ujat :P Penteken az ido eleggel felmelegedett es ugy dontottem, hogy elmegyek az operahazahoz, mert igaz, hogy minden nap 2szer elhajozok mellette, igazan kozel nem voltam ott. Mogotte pedig van egy hatalmas park ami nagyon nepszeru, mert igen nagy, es barmit lehet ott csinalni.Sokan futank, tornaznak, tai-chiznek, piknikeznek vagy csak fekszenek egy fa alatt es olvasnak. Az egyik dolog ami Sydney-t megkulonbozteti a tobbi vizparti nagyvarostol az az, hogy itt a partot nem epitettek be es nagyresze hozzaferheto az emberek szamara, es nem mindenhol nyilvanitottak privat terulette ami a draga villakhoz tartozik. Itt vagy 5 orat setaltam, aztan este megint talalkoztam Gyongyivel es elmentunk egy koreai etterembe, ahol megint en voltam az egyetlen nem azsiai kinezetu ember :)))) A kaja jo volt, es allitolag nem tul fuszeres, de azert en egyedul megittem az osszes vizet ami egy kancsoban ki volt keszitve az asztalon. Utana meg elmentunk egy japan-olasz fagyizoba ahol zoldtea fagyit ettunk :) Tegnap este Annaval, Daviddel es meg par emberrel egy nagyon finom tapas barban vacsiztunk, ugyhogy elhataroztam, hogy ma, vasarnap kell mar valami komolyan testedzos programot csinalnom. Nem jo ez igy, miota itt vagyok, tuti, hogy hiztam, de nem birok ellenallni a dolgoknak :)) Szoval kivalasztottam egy 12 km hosszu utvonalat, ami gyonyoru es kihagyhatatlan ha az ember Sydneyben jar. Feher homokos strandokon vezet keresztul es sokszor pedig az az erzese az embernek, hogy a dszungelben jar :D nagyon jo volt.
Vegul, de egyaltalan nem utolsosorban, meg csutortokon volt az amerikai VOGUE magazin altal szervezett globalis vasarlasi nap, amit a Sydney-i nok nagggggggyon komolyan vettek, es meg nekem is neha ijeszto volt amit a David Jonesban, Ausztralia legpatinansabb uzlethazaban aruhaz 25 eves evfordulojaval egybekotott viragkiallitas is erre a napra lett idozitve igy mindenhol elkepeszto viragkompoziciok voltak kiallitva es a kirakatok elott is folyton villogtak a vakuk.
Mindent egybevetve ez sem volt egy unalmas het ;))
2 Responses
  1. Yvonne Crawford Says:

    Great pictures! Thanks for the update!

  2. Anna Says:

    I'm glad you became a reader and that you like the pictures :))) There are a lot of people reading it but then they tell their comments to my mum instead of commenting here :D There should be more pictures coming this weekend as I have planned some trips again...;)

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