Just another nice week :)

I'm sorry, that it took so long to write this time, but during the week not much happened, but then the weekend was busy enough not to have enough time or energy to write a proper new post:) It actually take a long time until the photoes get uploaded and I got home to late every evening to have the patience to wait for it.
So here is the story of the last days: As I already wrote earlier, I chaned to Sydney University, where I basically have to write a research protocol. This team is working on a research project about palliative care, and they are in the very initial phase yet. First they want to carry out a systematic review of reelvant literature and other studies but these reviews have to be done in a certain way. You have to put together this protocol what is actually the plan how you want to do your research and what are the inclusion and exclusion criterias for other studies etc....it's not really easy since what they ask me is basically to tell THEM how they will have to make this research what I won't even take part in, but I don't mind doing it....I mean they know that I have never written such thing so they will probably change it a bit then...

This university is different from the other already when you look at the buildings. Since this is the oldest univesrity in Australia, it has a more European feeling and it takes after Oxford and Cambridge a little bit especially with the grass tennis courts which are just next to these buildings.

I like these old buildings, and as you can see there is a lot of nature everywhere on this campus. / A Sydney egyetem nagyon kulonbozik az elozotol marcsak ami az epuletek stilusat is illeti. Mivel ez volt az elso egyetem Ausztraliaban, sokkal regebbiek a fo epuletek es kicsit Oxford jellegu az egesz campus foleg a fivesitett teniszpalyakkal. A masik ami nagyon tetszik, hogy rengeteg a noveny mindenhol ahogy ez a fent kepen is latszik.

So the week was passed by on the uni and then on saturday we woke up to beautiful sunshine and it was so warm that it would have been a crime to stay at home. Fortunately David has a friends whose dad used to have a marina and they have a boat so they came to pick us up on Balmoral beach and we went out to Middle harbour and dropped anchor at a nice little beach. It was David, his Friend Paul, his friend Will and Will's sister Vicky and their mum Frenny. Now this Frenny is a one of a kind woman that's for sure. She talks more than anybody I have ever known, hereby I also think of my mother, so those who know my mum can now probably tell already that the other 5 people didn't get to much word on that boat that saturday :D She showed a huge interest in my job in Denmark and how I ended up here. The interesting thing about thi family is that the husband is the first Australian astronaut (!) and now he works for the CIA and live in Washington D.C...

Waiting for the boat in Balmoral beach marina to pick us up on last saturday / A hajonkra varva a Balmoral beach kikotoben

The guys, Paul in black, David and Will in the blue-red cap / Paul a feketeben akie a hajo, David es Will a kek piros sapkaban akinek az apukaja volt az elso Ausztral urhajosok egyike es jelenleg a CIA-nal dolgozik Washingtonban.....

Anyways, it was very amusing and we practically spent the whole day on the boat. Then had a nice dinner - Annette is a very good cook, it's always so delicious whatever she cooks - and met up with David's sis Anna, but the party was far not good as the one we had in Ivy so we just headed home around midnight and talked until 3 in the living room what was not a problem for David because he stayed in bed until 2 in the afternoon on sunday but I had an agreement to get picked up at 9 in the next morning what was a bit painful to be honest :))) But it was sooooo worth it!! :) We went to small animal farm what is a lot smaller than Taronga was and you can pat the animals because some of them just run around free :D So, my old wish came true and I could hug a koala and became friends with a canaroo as well :D

Here we are:

One of the rare moments when koalas don't sleep !!!! :) They are just adorable and so fluffy and soft!!! You gotta entertain them with some new eucalyptus snack to show interest in staying awake :D / Ritka pillanatok egyike amikor a koala nem alszik : ))) Muszaly oket egy kis friss eukaliptusz uzsonnaval szorakoztatni hogy erdekeltek legyenek az ebren maradasban :D

But then we couldn´t avoid destiny and my buddy decided to go back to his normal daily routine :P / De aztan nem tuduk elkerulni a vegzetet, es Freddy ugy dontott hogy eleg ebbol a szertelenul aktiv eletbol es visszatert a mar jol bevalt napi rutinhoz vagyis az alvashoz :)

But it didn´t matter because there were others who still showed interst in me and the delicious snack I picked up at the entrance / De nem baj, mert voltak masok akik tovabbra is eleg erdeklodest mutattak irantam es ugy 2 gomboc " kenguru jegkrem" irant

We became good friends finally and though to spend the rest of the time together in the Zoo :)) / A "fagyi" megtette a hatasat es a haver ugy dontott, hogy egy ideig nem tagit, igy egyutt nezegettuk a furcsa Ausztral allatokat :D

I was picked up by Laci who was born in Hungary but came here when he was 10. After this close experince with the animals what I absolutely loved, some other Hungarians joined us and we drove along the south coast and then had a nice picnic lunch on a beach.They are so nice people, I enjoyed their company a lot, they ask me many questions about Hungary and I just felt really comfortable when I was with them. I hope to keep contact to them in the future.

Driving my corvette along the coast hehe :P / Laci turkizkek corvettje velem a volan mogott nagyon nepszeru volt a 40 fos kinai turistacsapa koreben, es aztan ok is pozoltak mellette mutatva az elengedhetetlen "victory" jelet....valamiert az azsiai emberek keptelenek annelkul egyetlen foton is odaallni hogy ne mutatnak ezt a jelet.....

The Hungarians from left to right: Robi, Me, Natalie, David, Laci and his wife Mary and ther other Laci :)

We were driving along a long long bridge where people put locks which have some message or other, for them meaningful things carved on them. This is for my mum who is No 1 indeed:)) / A hidon amin vegivezettunk az oceanpart mellett egy csomo lakat van odalakatolva amire kis uzeneteket vagy szamuka egyeb, jelentoseggel biro dolgokat vesnek az emberek. Talatam egyet ami nekem is nagyon tetszett :) No 1 anyu!

Then after coming home from this pretty packed day we had dinner at home with Anna and her boyfriend Jordy and then I went for a walk on the beach. One of my favorite places is the restaurant what used to be the beacher´s pavilion a long time ago. It just looks so good and the food is excellent!

So this was the weekend and on monday I still went to the other university to sit into the lecture and then I met up with David, and his boss Steve and Alex and another guy Tim in their regular bar in a hotel where they drink some beers after work. I like to hang out with them from time to time because they are really entertaining, and this evening was especially fruitful. I somehow managed to cone Steve into taking us to a really exclusive club next week, so sing in a karaoke bar and here comes the highlight:cook Hungarian gulash soup and German Knödel! :D David couldn´t believe how this could happen, so now I have high expectations from this friday!
Today we wer eabout to go to the Sydney Art Gallery but it´s a bit chilly now in the evening, what is good for me because at least I can finish this blog post :)
Alright, so this happened lately, and every day it hits me more and more and I have so little time left here :(((( I really got to like this place!Well, I guess it´s not hard because I get the best from everything what I still can not believe how it could work out this fortunately!Anyways, I still try to keep on making the most of my time but regarding that I have been pretty much everywhere around here what is worth to see, Melbourne is the next big thing next weekend.

Tehat probaltam korabban is mar hirt adni magamrol de valahogy mindig nagyon keson ertem haza es aztan nem volt energiam meg turelmem megvarni hogy feltoltodjenek a kepek. Nem tudom, hogy ez az oldal vagy a net lassusaga miatt van e, de eleg sok idobe telik.
Mindegy, szoval egesz mult heten ahogy mar irtam, a Sydney egyetemen voltam, ahol a feladatom az, hogy egy kutatasi protokolt irjak. Ez azt jelenti, hogy van ez a projekt ami egy csomo kutatast igenyel mas hasonlo kutatasi eredmenyek utan, es ennek egy meghatarozott menete van az ilyen tudomanyos munkak eseten annak erdekeben hogy az kesobb publikalhato legyen. Namost nekem kell elojonnom azzal hogy ez az elokutatas milyen modon legyen kivitelezve, ami eleg erdekes mert meg eletemben nem cisnaltam ilyet, de mindegy, jo tapasztalat :))
Szoval azt mar kicsit feljebb is irtam, hogy egeszen mas a legkor mint a masik egyetemen, de az emberek itt is baratsagosak.
A hetvege egyszeruen tokeletes volt, nagyon szep napsuteses szombatra ebredtunk es nagy hiba lett volna otthon maradni. Igy mi elterveztuk, hogy ki kene menni hajoval kicsit ide az egyik obolbe es Davidnek van is egy haverja akinek az apjanak korabban kikotoje volt es van egy hajojuk, igy miutan ezt a programot ilyen remekul kitalaltuk, ertesitettuk ot is hogy akkor arra gondolnank, hogy igazan idejohetne Balmoral beach-re es felvehetne minket. Hat mondjuk nem sokat kellett goyzkodni ugyhogy mar fel egykor a hajon voltunk. Szoval volt David, en, Paul akie a hajo, egy haverja Will, annak a novere Vicky meg az anyjuk Frenny akinel tobbet nem hiszem hogy barki is kepes beszelni beleertve anyukamat is ,es akik ismerik ot most pontosan tudjak, hogy Frenny akkor milyen teljesitmenyre kepes! :P Egyszeruen nem birta befogni, es hatalmas erdeklodest mutatott az irant, hogy en en Annette mivel foglalkozunk valamint hogy en mivel foglalkoztam Daniaban, de egyfolytaban csak kerdezett es a valaszra tulajdonkeppen nem nagyon adott lehetoseget :D Nem baj, jo volt az ido, horgonyt vetettunk egy kellemes kis obolben, volt etel ital, szoval senki nem igazan banta hogy Frenny 15 percig nem vesz levegot. Ha esetleg elfelejtesz elemozsiat vinni magaddal es mar kint vagy a vizen, semmi sincs veszve, mert kis motorcsonakok cirkalnak a hajok korul meglehetosen jol felszerelve sorrel es jegkremmel :D
Szoval ezzel nagyjabol el is telt a nap aztan talalkoztunk Annaval es elmetunk veluk bulizni de nem igazan tudta az este megismetelni az anno Ivy-s elmenyt, szoval gondoltuk ami nem megy nem kell eroltetni, szoval atsetaltunk a nagy hidon es hazajottunk aztan ejjel 3ig beszelgettunk Daviddel. Hat amit az elso napokban nem mondott el, azt most bepotolja a kobon....:) Neki nem volt problema mert delutan 2ig nem kelt fel, de nekem jelenesem volt a haz elott mar reggel 9kor, ami nagy megeroltetes aran jott csak ossze, de az vezerelt, hogy ma akkor is koalat fogdosok majd. Elmentunk egy masik vadaspark fele helyre ami sokkal kisebb mint Taronga de egy csomo allat csak ugy szabadon jon megy mint ahogyan az a kepen is latszik :D A koala es a kenguru abszolut csucs, imadnivaloak es nagyon puha, bolyhos bundajuk van.
Aztan vegigvezettunk a deli part menten es piknikeztunk egy kellemes strandon. A magyarok alatt egy olyan csaladot ertek, ahol a szulok magyarorszagon szulettek, de 56ban meg gyerekkorukban elhagytak az orszagot es az o gyerekeik mar itt szulettek, de kb beszelnek magyarul. Az, hogy oket megismertem, egy hatalmas szerncsenek koszonheto de azt hiszem ezt a sztorit mar mindenki ismeri. Mindegy, szoval nagyon jo veluk lenni, nagyon kevesek es erdeklodoek, szoval igazan jol ereztem magamat.MEg biztosan talalkozom majd veluk amig meg itt vagyok.
Hetfon megint beultem az eloadasra a masik egyetemen aztan utana csatlakoztam a szokasos David-Steve-Alex bagazshoz, meg meg volt egy uj resztvevo is most, Tim. Altalaban - ami azt jelenti, hogy nagyjabol minden nap - megisznak egy par sort munka utan es neha csatlakozom hozzajuk mert eleg szorakoztatoak. Es a hetfoi alkalom kulonosen gyumolcsozo volt, mert David meg most sem tudja elhinni de sikerult a fonoket ravennem hogy elvigyen minket egy masik nagyon jo helyre bulizni, hogy jovo heten enekeljen egy karaoke barban es most jon a het egyik fenypontja:penteken magyar gulyaslevest fog fozni nekunk nemet "knödel"-lel, merhogy felig nemet!Nnnnna, erre nagyon kivancsi leszek!Mindegy, most mar nem tud kihatralni ebbol :D
Ma este ugy volt hogy lemegunk a Sydney muveszeti galeriaba es utana vacsizni a varosban de kicsit csipos lett az ido, igy most megvarjuk amig David vegez a nagy rugby dontojevel, es akkor helyben elmegyunk vacsizni valahova. Jobb is ez igy, mert igy tenyleg vegre be tudtam fejezni ezt a "riportot" :)
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